Racing Out Of Ruin On ZedRun

ZedRun Dub Run Finney Pacer Z47 horse NFT
Dub Run the horse created with two 1620+ rating horses with over 10% win rate. This Pacer is just about to get started racing!

The hypothetical begins with gamers attempting to live off playing a game. Despite the near endless amount of games; “What game might that be perfect for this mission?” Next, you come to find ZedRun. The equestrians dream come true when considering virtual horse racing NFTs. You have to love the idea of breeding your own line of horses. Because this game has a challenging field of previously existing horses. It’s not uncommon to see horses win 5 of 5 races including their maiden race. The first race, or maiden race, can come with valuable rewards. You elect to dive in at the floor.

The floor price of NFTs to enter ZedRun is subject to change. This blog post was created on Saturday October 8th 2022. Today, right at this moment, there are NFTs that cost as little as 0.002 WETH. The floor price consists of different types of horses. Anyone with a Metamask wallet can purchase a horse and relist it on Hawku, or Opensea. A strategy might be to buy the floor and bump it up! I find purchasing MATIC with my debit card on Metamask allows for a quick and easy swap on the Polygon blockchain. You can also swap for ZED. The ZED coin allows you to lend horses. So, it’s absolutely possible to borrow a horse. Once you borrow a horse, you can enter an event. If you qualify for the event you can win WETH!

I’ve been documenting my ZedRun experience on Tiktok. Between races I’ll watch a few live battles. After 5 races in the specific distance category a horse can score. Should the scores be above the cut line the horse is entered into the money races. If the horse wins top three in the race the racer is rewarded. Considering a loaner horse qualifiers that cash will have to split with the lender. The current price for a permit to loan a horse is 250 ZED coins. I was able to purchase my Zed coins from Bitmart. I transferred them into my Metamask wallet, and purchased a ZedRun permit. I currently have a loaner ready for you to borrow! The benefit to adding races is can be beneficial. But, the borrowing jockey racing may not be skilled. However, there have been blog posts on the ZedRun site offering that some have had success lending their horses. I was able to come close to making the cut line with borrowed horses. You can get your start with a borrowed horse! You may get lucky!

Dub ‘N’ Night

Today, a few weeks after my start, I have over 30 race horses. I’ve also started a legacy of my own beginning with Dub Run. Dub Run was born to Glorious Run and Dub ‘N’ Night. Fortunately, I was able to purchase horses off the floor. I raced them into Class I horses. I was able to race 4 of my 30 horses into a Class I thus far. I’ve found serious indicators create dependency on the breeding lines, and family. Just like people these horses can share traits, and you’ll notice Dub Run is an Amethyst color. The trait arrives from his mother whom rated up by running Marathon’s. My initial entry into the game made Marathoners right for my gameplay. I personally enjoy running long distances, and want to do it more in life. Therefore, I went after the marathoner’s category hosting races in the 2200M, 2400M, and 2600M. Dub ‘N’ Night wasn’t the cheapest to breed. The reason he was selected is because his chart represents low last place finishes. Horses that finish well rise the ranks faster! Negative influxes to the rating with 12th place finishes can be heart breaking. But, if you race enough you may win!

The story of a total loser first attempt at breeding that must be mentioned! Ramapo was my first breed. I made an early purchase in Shenandoah because she had cashed in the events. I purchased her for about 0.0035 WETH, and sold her for 0.012 ETH the day of her event showing. I suspect that I would lose the event entry reward. However, I did receive the reward in my account after she placed in the tournament race! She was a blessing to me, and I hope the new owner is rewarded in the same ways. She was a good Midrunner and did well in the 2200M. I am sticking to a rule that considers every horse in Party Farmhouse Farms is for sale. Make an offer on Hawku!

Catch up from the restart of this blog and read the story of’s restoration.

If you would like to purchase ZED crypto currency you can register on Bitmart with Christian Sutter’s referral number. See affiliate area to understand what commission if any should arrive with the author of this page.